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How create notifications and notification templates with wildcards
How create notifications and notification templates with wildcards
Andrew Gubal avatar
Written by Andrew Gubal
Updated over a week ago

Wildcards function as versatile placeholders in notification texts, allowing for dynamic customization of messages across various channels such as SMS, emails, and now, push notifications. These placeholders are automatically filled with specific customer and appointment details at the time of sending, ensuring each message is personalized and relevant.

For instance, consider an Appointment Reminder template utilizing wildcards. It could look like this:

'Hey, ##firstname##, your appointment is scheduled for ##appointmenttime## on ##appointmentdate##. Find us at ##locationstreetaddress##. Looking forward to seeing you at ##businessname##!'

Such templates can be creatively crafted for diverse notification types, including Email, Text, and Push notifications, providing a seamless and engaging communication experience for your customers.

The full list of supported wildcards:
##firstname## - Customer first name
##lastname## - Customer last name

​##customerfullname## - Customer full name
##customerphone## - Customer phone
##customeremail## - Customer email
##customerbirthday## - Customer birthday

​##businessname## - Name of your barbershop or salon
​##businessemail## - Email of your barbershop or salon

Next wildcards may only be used in templates for appointments (Appointment Confirmation, Appointment Reminder, Appointment Update, Appointment Cancel):

Date and time:

##appointmentdate## - Appointment date
##appointmenttime## - Time of the appointment

##appointmentdayoftheweek## - Appointment weekday


##appointmentcancellationpolicy## - Cancellation policy

Location (if housecall service, then it's the client's address):

##appointmentaddress## - Full location address
##locationcity## - City of appointment location
##locationstreetaddress## - Street address of appointment location
##locationphone## - Phone number of appointment location
##locationzipcode## - Zip Code of appointment location

##locationfinddetails## - Description how to find location

##locationparking## - Parking information

Team member:
##teammemberfirstname## - First name of the team member booked in appointment
##teammemberlastname## - Last name of the team member booked in appointment
##teammemberjobtitle## - Job title of the team member booked in appointment

##appointmentservices## - Name of the services in appointment
##appointmenttotalprice## - Price of the services in appointment

Appointment links:
##appointmentlink## - Link to edit/cancel an appointment
​##appointmentreviewlink## - Link to leave a review after appointment. By default, it's a link to your review page on your website in Barberly. Can be changed to a custom link - for example to Google Reviews.

Orders related wildcards

##ordernumber## - number of the order

##orderdate## - date of the order

Order address (if PickUp - business address to pick up. if Delivery - client's address)
##locationcity## - City of appointment location
##locationstreetaddress## - Street address
##locationphone## - Phone number of location
##locationzipcode## - Zip Code of location

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