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Integration with Facebook booking button
Integration with Facebook booking button

How to link the appointment web page to Facebook

Andrew Gubal avatar
Written by Andrew Gubal
Updated over 5 years ago

Link your Barberly appointment web page to your Facebook business profile to let your clients book appointments from social media directly.

To activate Facebook Book now and link your booking web page to it, you need to complete 7 following steps:

1. Open your Facebook business page.

2. Tap +Add a Button if you don't have one, or Edit a button to change the button and its link.ย 

3. Select Make booking with you and then, Book now options from the list of buttons to use.

4. Select button's direction - Link to website.

5. Then copy your appointment web page for social media URL address in Barberly profile.

6. Add copied link to the URL field in Link to website window.

7. Save changes and tap Finish button.

Well done! Book now button is ready to use. Now your clients can just tap this button on your page to make an appointment.

P.S. You may have noticed that there were 3 options of booking button direction on the Facebook: 1) Appointments on Facebook, 2) Connect Another Tool, and 3) Link to Website.
It's important to use 3rd option - Link to website, to integrate Facebook with a Barberly booking channel to guarantee synchronization with your other booking tools and whole appointment system. That allows to manage all appointments from the one place and track all barbershop activities.

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